Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, wabihi nasta’in, ‘ala umurridunnya waddiin. Wa’ala alihi, wa ashabihi ajma’in. Amma ba’du.

First lets say our praise to our God Allah swt who has given us health and time so I can deliver my speech entittle SEEKING KNOWLEDGE IN ISLAM. And don’t forget salawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad saw. Lets hope we will get his intercession in Yaumil Ma’syar one day. Amiin Ya Robbal A’lamin.

My honorable to the juries,
My honorable to the ladies and gentlemen
And My love to brothers, sisters, and all my friends.

Now I would like to deliver my speech entitle SEEKING KNOWLEDGE IN ISLAM.
Brothers and sisters !
Our prophet said:

“ Seeking knowledge is the obligation of every Moslem”

But do you know Why our prophet Muhammad saw obligates us to seek knowledge. The answer is because knowledge is very important in our life. With knowledge , we can do everythings, even we can be the best creature in the world. Beside that, Allah rises the rank of the knowledge people. Allah said in Al-Qur’an at Al- Mujadalah verse 11 :

“Allah rises the rank of faithful people among you and the knowledge people. Allah knows so much what you did.”

Brothers and sisters!
Seeking knowledge is not easy, there are many troubles to get it, especially in this globalization era. So according to Islam, the best method to get knowledge is READING. By reading we can choose where the best knowledge for us and where the worst knowledge for us. Because actually there is some bad knowledge like magic, black science and much more. And now , Islam have a trouble, it is drugs. If the students as the young generations consume drugs , our generations will be bad because drugs will break our potensial and make us difficult to get knowledge.
Brothers and sisters !
From this speech we can conclude that :
1. Knowledge is very important in our life
2. To get knowledge there are so many troubles,
For those reasons, I suggest to audiences here especially for the young generation , If you wanna be success in the future. Please seeking knowledge now. Belive it, if you do it you will get everythings you want, And remember never use drygs!

Brothers and sisters !
May be only this that I can tell you for now, with the hope what I have said here will be useful for all of us , I’m sorry if I have a mistake, and to Allah I ask forgiveness . Thank You very much for your attention.

Unzhur Ma qola Wala Tanzhur Man Qola

Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah..

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Kth.
Teguh Seorang Tutor di salah satu Bimbel yang memiliki hobby menulis dan membuat konten untuk media sosial.


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