Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Kth.
Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, wabihi nasta’in, ‘ala umurridunnya waddiin. Wa’ala alihi, wa ashabihi ajma’in. Amma ba’du.
First lets say our praise to our God Allah swt who has given us health and time so I can deliver my speech entitle SAY NO TO DRUGS. And don’t forget salawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad saw. Lets hope we will get his intercession in Yaumil Ma’syar one day. Amiin Ya Robbal A’lamin.
My honorable to the juries,
My honorable to the ladies and gentlemen
And My love to brothers, sisters, and all my friends.

Brothers and sisters !!!
You have known that the drugs in the “O” list are very dangerous for our body, like narcotics, psikotropics, extacy and many others. They can break our brain and makes us become uncontrol. Although the Government has done the steps to prevent the students from consuming the drugs, but the result was nothing, many students in Senior High School even in Junior school, still consuming the drugs and drinking alcohol. Although they knew that Allah said in Alqur’an :

“ Hi, Faithful people , arrack, brandy, glambing, idol, and predict the life to remedical man are really bad  and devil job, so far away from that job then you will get the win.” ( Q.S Al-Maidah : 90 )
From this verse , Allah forbidden us not to consume the drugs. Why?? Because they give bad effect for our body, for the example, our body can get some diseases even we will be death.

Brothers and sisters !!!
In this occasion, parents, teachers, pions people and the authorize have to take part to prevent the students from consuming the drugs. Parents should keep and eyes on them , advises them and soon while the teachers educate them and inform them How Dangerous The Drugs Are!!! More over for students, it is strictly forbidden because the students are the young generations for the future. If the students consume the drugs, Our generations will be bad.

Brothers and sisters!!!
From this speech we can conclude that  ;
1.      The drugs are very dangerous for our body.
2.      All the elements of society have to take part to prevent the students from consuming the drugs.
For those reason I suggest to audiences here especially or the young generations to far away from drugs, If you wanna be success in the future.
May be only this that I can tell you for now, with the hope what I have said here will be useful for all of us , I’m sorry if I have a mistake, and to Allah I ask forgiveness . Thank You very much for your attention.
Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah..
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Kth.
Teguh Seorang Tutor di salah satu Bimbel yang memiliki hobby menulis dan membuat konten untuk media sosial.


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